wp_page_menu in WordPress 2.7

New in WordPress 2.7 is the template tag wp_page_menu(). This function creates a page navigation. As parameter you can add a menu “Home” with show_home , or whatever you like.


wp_page_menu() is a wrap for wp_list_pages(), which additionally add a link to the homepage and assign the class current_page_item, if the starting page is active. For users who doesn’t know a lot about PHP, this will be a great help.

From the aspect of a theme developer, it might be a problem using CSS Frameworks, which uses their own classes and structure.





3 responses to “wp_page_menu in WordPress 2.7”

  1. Home_Improvement_Contractor Avatar

    Cool! I was looking for something like this.

  2. Ollie Avatar

    Hi, this function seems really useful for outputting a standard nested ul li ul…etc for creating global navigation. However, is it possible to inject custom markup or would I have to code my function tp generate the navigation with the markup I need?


  3. Michael Avatar

    Ollie: You can wrap the ul with a div like
    where my_own_class is the class for the div.
    Thats all.